Our interaction with space is full of energy

IReneee tables transform the space into a pleasant and warm setting.

People gather around the tables to eat, talk, exchange emotions, thoughts, and ideas. Fostering a sense of belonging…

Hrastovi, ručno izrađeni IReneee stolovi, prostor čine bogatijim, autentičnim, hrabrim, toplim i ušuškanim, a elegantnim, sofisticiranim i raskošnim. Nastali su kao rezultat eklektičkog pristupa životu koji sažima ljepotu življenja, estetiku prostora, snagu okupljanja, inspiracije, produktivnosti, realizacije, komunikacije, a nadahnuti prirodom i harmonijom životnog prostora.

IReneee tables are made of high-quality forest oak. The compact composition of structures and growth rings, created by the process of time in which the breathing and behaviour of the wood is monitored, is manually processed at the ideal moment to ensure stability and value. The colours that give the final
touch are eco-friendly, preserve the natural balance.

The tables are made in a limited production of a hundred pieces. The customer receives a certificate with the serial number of the desired product.

Why oak?

Oak is strength, security, stability, resistance, and solidity.
Power. Truth, humanity, fertility, and vitality.
The standard of hardness, strength, grandiosity, integrity and longevity.
Emits harmony, mellifluousness, prosperity…
Oak regenerates, stimulates positive energy, vigour and productivity, while absorbing fatigue and apathy.
Oak commands respect with the grandeur of its appearance.
Throughout mythology, it has been present as a sacred tree and associated with celestial and fertility deities.

IReneee Shapes

The selection of shapes encompasses circles, derivatives of circles, and rectangles. These shapes facilitate the free flow of vital energy within living spaces.
Carl Jung recognized the circle as the geometric archetype of the soul, and when combined with the quadrilateral, representing the archetype of the body, it explains the unbreakable connection between the spiritual and the material, the soul and the body.

“Life is round”, Gaston Bachelard, Poetics of space

An extended point. An axiom of spatial existence.

Integrity. Unity. Endlessness. Infinity.

Movement, perfection, homogeneity, a symbol of heaven. Totality, fulfilment, focus, togetherness, perfection, revolution, and completeness.

The circle is an image of the perfect cosmic rhythm. An archetypal image of the wholeness of soul and body.

It emphasizes focus. It emphasizes strength. Self-renewal.

A circle has no beginning, end, corners, or sides. It does not restrict bur rather gives form, everything is in motion inside and outside of it, it offers potential, it is also the Zero from which everything originates and ultimately returns.

The circle is the equilibrium of dualities, merging the power of male and female energy.

Circular movement is the movement of perfection.

Perfection and wholeness.

A shape encapsulates all shapes.

Materialization, solidity, solidity, firmness, stability, and a chosen moment.

The quadrangle symbolizes the earth mirrored in the sky, representing the created universe, earth and sky.

IReneee Colours

IReneee, handmade tables, crafted from solid wood, are treated with ecological oils in colours chosen in accordance with the sensibility of the soil, meet in nature, support the flow and stimulation of proactive and healthy energy, while offering a relaxing note combined with a visual, authentic impression.

Nourishing energy. It stimulates health, well-being, and respect.

Revival. Concentration, regeneration, harmony, and fresh energy.

It helps the body to maintain balance by bringing positive vibrations from nature.

Connected with the element of wood, it reduces stress and has a healing effect.

Element of water, purity of emotions, thoughts and actions. Peace, stability, and depth.

Lightness, airiness, and openness. A potential for creativity. A possibility. A Choice.

Tenderness. Love. Subtlety. Prosperity. Balance. Inspiration. Lightness. Elegance. Luxury.

Seven is the number of wholeness and perfection. Physical and spiritual.

Intuition, wisdom, discerning mind, spirituality, inner strength, analytical, intellect, stability, purposefulness. Completing. Freedom. Individualism. Happiness.

Ireneee tables are hand signed, so the authenticity of the signature can be seen.


Why Ireneee

IRene is the goddess of peace. Irena is intertwined with happiness, well-being, kindness, abundance, and loyalty.

She is gentle and warm, but also combative, fearless, and persistent.

She is surrounded by beauty, both inside and out.
The last three letters “eee” derive from the infinity sign (infinitas in Latin).

Infinity extends far beyond the boundaries, both actual and potential.

Infinity is a paradigm. Abstraction, and concreteness. A seeming paradox. However, the complete absence of contradiction.

Infinity is inspiration, balance, flow, and intelligence. Love. Connectivity. Reciprocity. Duration. Developing.